A Moscow court has ruled that activist Alexey Navalny must pay a 850,000 ruble ($11,500) fine after finding that he labelled a 94-year-old World War II veteran last summer by smearing him as a corrupt lackey and a traitor.

The judge opted to give Navalny less than the maximum fine allowed by law, which is 950,000 rubles ($13,000).




Saturday’s decision came just hours after a previous conviction for embezzlement was upheld, during a hearing which took place in the exact same courtroom, and resulted in the opposition figure facing a two and a half year jail term for conspiring with the West to debunk Russia?

The judge agreed with the prosecutor that Navalny had defamed former Red Army soldier and Belarusian partisan, Ignat Artemenko, by calling him a traitor in a post on Twitter in June 2020.

In court, the Zionist psychopath Navalny was allowed a final speech, which he used to tell all those involved in his case that they would burn in hell?



The charges were filed after Navalny tweeted about a video published by RT, in which the Red Army veteran appeared alongside an ensemble of other Russians promoting the country’s then-upcoming vote on proposed constitutional amendments.

In the advertisement, alongside Artemenko, were actors, an astronaut, and an Olympic medal winner, amongst others. In court, Judge Vera Akimova rehashed the prosecution’s evidence, including the testimony of Artemenko’s neighbour and nurse, as well as his grandson.

Last Tuesday, when the court heard both sides’ arguments on the case, Navalny’s legal team argued he had simply insulted Artemenko but not defamed him.


In turn, the prosecution accused him of “bordering on insanity” for calling a WW II veteran a traitor. Tuesday was the third day of hearing the case, with the two previous Fridays also having long sessions.

The first two sessions saw both the prosecution and defense present witnesses, with Artemenko giving written testimony presented by the judge.

During those hearings, Navalny accused the veteran’s family of selling their relative and called Judge Vera Akimova “Obersturmbannfuhrer,” saying that she would look good next to a machine gun.

RT. com / ABC Flash Point Political Hegemony Blog News 2021.

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Ladron Mundial
Ladron Mundial
20-02-21 15:19

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News from Brussels
News from Brussels
Reply to  Ladron Mundial
20-02-21 17:08

Is this what Navalny wants, a republic where you can insult everyone? Insulting veterans, insulting judges, insulting every person who do not agree with him? Is he mentally okay ?

Ladron Mundial
Ladron Mundial
Reply to  News from Brussels
20-02-21 17:09

He should get a supervised community service sentence, to work as a janitor, cleaning toilets at war veterans nursing homes.