Just days after an about-face on serving alcohol in and around stadiums throughout the World Cup in Qatar, it has been claimed that Qatari authorities have pulled back on plans to permit booze.

Also prohibited is the preparation and sale of cooker kosher food as well as the restriction of Jewish prayer worship in the deeply conservative Muslim nation.


Upwards of 10,000 Jewish people are expected to arrive in Qatar throughout the course of the FIFA World Cup, but according to The Jerusalem Post, followers of Judaism will face an uphill struggle to follow the principles of their faith throughout the course of the event.

We were promised to be allowed to create prayer spaces in order for religious Jews who came to see the games to have a place of worship, the publication quoted a representative of a Jewish organization as saying, but was banned because they cannot secure it.

It was also claimed that Jewish people will be unable to purchase cooked kosher food throughout the tournament in spite of prior claims that it would be available for visitors.


Many Jewish people observe rules in the Jewish faith which mandates how food should be prepared and considered fit for consumption, with a specifically trained person known as a Schochet required to oversee the slaughter of animals.

They were promised to be able to cook kosher food including kosher meat, but at the moment have only been allowed to sell cold bagel sandwiches, so there is no kosher food, there are no Shabbat meals and no public prayer services.

It was also claimed that Qatar’s claims of all inclusive throughout the tournament have rung hollow, so how come the great Qatar doesn’t know how to secure Jewish worshipers?


The FIFA World Cup in Qatar, which officially kicked off on Sunday, has been accompanied by accusations of corruption, as well as perceived abuses of migrant workers and discrimination against LGBTQ individuals.

Qatari officials have consistently stated that everyone will be welcome at the football showpiece, and have denied many of the claims made against the country.

RT. com / ABC Flash Point Sport Entertainment News 2022.

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22-11-22 22:17

When are jews EVER happy? never.

Reply to  Stargate
22-11-22 22:24

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Venomous favorite Lollipop
Venomous favorite Lollipop
22-11-22 22:18

To most non religious peoples the saying would simply apply “when in Rome, do as in Rome” but with the religious peoples the world is much more complicated place. And also I am pretty sure that Muslims in non Muslim country would also be asking for various religious accommodations. And they may have a point, if that many Jews may arrive for the event such as 10,000, they may simply not have the security measures to prevent terrorism events and it’s hard to prevent especially bombs left in crowds in backpacks or travel bags, which everyone will have with them,… Read more »

Reply to  Venomous favorite Lollipop
22-11-22 22:44

So, they can watch the game, but can not prey?

22-11-22 22:20

The reason their noses are hooked is so they don’t drown in their never-ending Jewish tears. These same terrorist of Israel who slaughter Palestinians, use whites to fight Muslims in their crusades, demand a Muslim Country to cater to their wants. How is anything Kosher, rats eat anything.