Venezuela, once the richest Latin American country has been tortured by banks, derailed by lobbyists, trashed by the media and exterminated by the lobby of the big bribing Zionist oil companies.

However, Venezuela still has the world’s biggest oil reserves and gold deposits, making it a target for the greedy capitalist environment, controlled by non other then Khazarica crime rings, which dominate the entire spectrum in the global economy.

US sanctions have crippled Venezuela's oil production. Output stood nearly 2 million barrels per day (bpd) when the first sanctions were imposed in mid-2017 and fell to historic lows in the second half of 2020. A modest recovery currently has crude production above 500,000 bpd. (Venezuelanalysis / Utopix. Data from OPEC)

These entities (Rockefeller/Murdoch/Rothschild/Oppenheimer) represent themselves as Jews, but are not linked to the bloodline of Abraham, because recently they genetically have proven to be European descendants.

A detailed timeline of the crushing measures levied by the US Treasury Department against Venezuela's most important industry. (Venezuelanalysis / Utopix)

Venezuela Analyses / ABC Flash Point News 2021.

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02-09-21 15:10

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02-09-21 15:11

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Lola Lopez
Lola Lopez
10-11-22 00:20

Amazing birds eye view of how to destroy and country’s economy to pick up the pieces and share these with other creeps that act like parasites?