Any US military attack on Russian targets in Ukraine would automatically trigger a world war, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has warned.

Medvedev, who currently serves as Deputy Chair of Russia’s Security Council, made the remarks after Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski claimed Washington had threatened to conduct such a strike should Russia use nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

In a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Sunday, Medvedev suggested that Sikorski apparently, has decided to scare his masters.

He noted that Washington, unlike Warsaw, has so far refrained from making any such threats publicly because they are more cautious than the Poles.

Americans hitting our targets means starting a world war, and a Foreign Minister, even of a country like Poland, should understand that.

The former Russian president also cited remarks made by Polish President Andrzej Duda last month, when he said his country would be willing to host US nuclear weapons if offered such an opportunity under NATO’s sharing mechanism.

Medvedev warned that in case of a nuclear confrontation Warsaw won’t be left out, and will surely get its share of radioactive ash, asking if this is the outcome the Polish leadership really wants.

On Saturday, in an interview with the Guardian newspaper, Sikorski expressed skepticism regarding a hypothetical Russian nuclear strike in Ukraine.

The Americans have told the Russians that if you explode a nuke, even if it doesn’t kill anybody, we will hit all your targets [positions] in Ukraine with conventional weapons, we’ll destroy all of them, he claimed, describing the presumed warning as a credible threat.

The Polish diplomat alleged that China and India have also warned Russia against a nuclear escalation.

The Polish minister also suggested that Ukraine’s Western backers should allow Kiev to use their weapons to strike military targets on Russian territory as apart from not using nuclear weapons, [Moscow] does not limit itself much.

According to Sikorski, the EU should not be afraid to escalate the situation, and should not impose limits on itself regarding the Ukraine conflict, so that Moscow is left guessing what the next step will be.

While the USA and its allies have on several occasions accused Moscow of nuclear saber-rattling, President Vladimir Putin insisted in March that at no point during the Ukraine conflict has Russia considered using such weapons.

Around the same time, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov stressed that Russia’s nuclear doctrine envisages the use of weapons of mass destruction only if something threatens the existence of our country, echoing a previous statement by the head of state.

The Russian official also described the deterrent as a farewell weapon.

During his annual address to the Federal Assembly in late February, Putin warned would-be aggressors that the nuclear arsenal was in a state of complete readiness for guaranteed deployment.

Earlier this month, the Russian leader ordered an exercise in the use of tactical nuclear weapons in the Southern Military District, which borders Ukraine.

According to statements by the Foreign and Defense Ministries, the exercises were meant as a warning to the USA and its NATO allies, following escalations from the West.

Earlier, Ukrainian drones apparently targeted the advanced Voronezh radar station in the city of Armavir, which went into operation in 2013. The system can detect incoming cruise and ballistic missiles at a range of 6,000km and can track up to 500 targets.

During the inauguration of the system, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that it would significantly increase the country’s defense capabilities in the southern and southwestern directions.

RT. com / ABC Flash Point News 2024.

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27-05-24 06:18

I’ve never lived in a dying empire until the recent years. The USA empire sure seems to me to be dying, and all of the king’s horses and all the king’s men will never be able to restore the earlier power of the American empire. It hurts me, personally, to see my own country being systematically destroyed by foreign zio efforts, but that’s what I see.

Lady Shadow
Lady Shadow
Reply to  Highlander
27-05-24 06:35

The USA won’t sign it’s own death warrant because of Poland…

The Soldier of Mustafa Kemal
The Soldier of Mustafa Kemal
27-05-24 06:21

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’s stark warning that any US attack on Russian targets in Ukraine would automatically trigger a world war should not be taken lightly. The deputy chair of Russia’s Security Council issued this grave caution after Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski suggested that Washington had threatened such a strike if Russia used nuclear weapons in Ukraine. Medvedev’s comments highlight the perilous brinkmanship currently at play, with the Americans more cautious but still flirting dangerously close to global catastrophe. The actions of the United States bear all the hallmarks of an empire in decline, desperate to maintain its… Read more »

The Soldier of Mustafa Kemal
The Soldier of Mustafa Kemal
Reply to  The Soldier of Mustafa Kemal
27-05-24 06:31

The impunity they have enjoyed for decades is crumbling, and their dirty laundry is about to be aired for the world to see. The chickens are coming home to roost. The crimes committed under the guise of regime changes, the innocent lives lost, and the global instability they have fueled will soon demand a reckoning. Medvedev’s remarks about Warsaw’s willingness to host US nuclear weapons further illustrate the perilous game being played. Poland’s leaders, in their eagerness to please Washington, seem oblivious to the catastrophic consequences that such a move would entail. As Medvedev ominously noted, in the event of… Read more »

Lady Shadow
Lady Shadow
27-05-24 06:34

Interesting. The Israeli bred Zionists bloodline seem to be either really stupid or are really trying to start a hot nuclear WW III. Good grief… when will they grow up into mature responsible adults?