Shares of Big Pharma companies including Modena and Pfizer exploded on Wednesday following two reports of human bird flu infections, one in the US and another in Australia.

Bill Gates has already mobilized the Gates Foundation to organize urgent global distribution of his new bird flu vaccine.

On Wednesday, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services reported a farm worker who had high exposure to infected livestock developed mild symptoms and has recovered.

The current health risk to the general public remains low, Dr. Natasha Bagdasarian, Michigan’s chief medical executive, said in a news release.

We have not seen signs of sustained human-to-human transmission at this point. This is exactly how public health is meant to work, in early detection and monitoring of new and emerging illnesses.

For several years, the H5N1 strain of avian flu has swept the world, killing hundreds of millions of farmed and wild birds, if not more. An evolution of the virus appears to be infecting humans.

Earlier this month, a Texan farm worker has contracted bird flu from an infected cow, marking the first time the HSN1 virus has been recorded spreading from mammals to humans, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Incredibly, in what the media claimed was a coincidence, a Bill Gates-funded bird flu vaccine for that strain has just entered trials.

Goldman analysts pointed out yesterday evening that green shoots across Vax Names following reports of human bird-flu infections confirmed in the US and Australia.

They noted vaccine companies, including Moderna, jumped 14%, BioNTech +11%, CureVac +18%, and Novavax +5.3%.

On a monthly basis, bird flu headlines in all of the corporate media have surged to record highs. Must push fear before elections.

Perhaps imposing a moratorium on gain-of-function experiments due to the concern for all humanity is the most prudent move forward before over-educated Ivy League idiots potentially start the next great pandemic.

News Punch / ABC Flash Point News 2024.

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Soner Sahim
Soner Sahim
24-05-24 00:19

The medico-pharma lobby have invented another fatal “disease” so they can sell dangerous, unproven and untested vaccines. The left-wing media will obediently fall into line and promote this poison. I keep asking myself, why has the political left become huge supporters of the pharmaceutical industry?

Heaven Duty Judy
Heaven Duty Judy
Reply to  Soner Sahim
24-05-24 00:21

ALL planned….

Heaven Duty Judy
Heaven Duty Judy
Reply to  Soner Sahim
24-05-24 04:36

Next Canada and GB?

Pieter Magré
Pieter Magré
24-05-24 07:01

This article has very good conclusion.