The USA will retaliate to a deadly drone attack on its al-Tanf military base on Syrian-Jordanian border at a time and in a manner of its choosing, but it is not seeking a wider conflict in the region, National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said on Monday.

Earlier in the day, Axios reported that President Joe Biden discussed a significant military response to the attack during a meeting with top US officials on Sunday.

As for our response options, the President is working his way through that right now. He had a good meeting yesterday with the National Security Team.

According to Axios, the White House and Pentagon are seeking to calibrate their retaliation to contain the risk of a wider conflict. Meanwhile, some hawks on Capitol Hill are pushing for strikes inside Iran.

On Sunday, three foreign soldiers had been killed and 34 others injured in a drone attack on a US military base in Jordan’s northeast near the border with Syria.

President Biden pinned the blame on unspecified Iran-backed groups, while also saying the USA was still gathering the facts.

Jordanian cabinet spokesman Muhannad Mubaidin said that the strike targeted the USA’s Al-Tanf base in Syria, not a base on Jordanian territory.

Iran has nothing to do with the drone attack on a US military base, Iranian state-run news agency IRNA reported, citing an Iranian official.

Sputnik / ABC Flash Point News 2024.

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02-02-24 15:42

Avoid wider conflict, while planning to bomb Iran??

Reply to  CommonProsperityForAll
03-02-24 12:10

If the US truly wanted to avoid wider conflict, they’d stop retaliating and get OUT! If they continue on their present path many more US soldiers will die needlessly.

Truth 101
Truth 101
03-02-24 12:09

About time, Amerikosian Terrorists start to fall for their invasion of other Countries where they are NOT welcomed ….more to follow…..URA