The USA has the largest external debt in the world. The total number of US Treasury securities held by foreign countries in January 2022 was $7.74 trillion, up from $6.63 trillion in June 2019.

This info-graphic presented by the website of Strategic Culture shows the 30 countries that hold 90% of the U.S. T-bills.

Technically the USA is bankrupt, because it forces other nations to carry their debt burden which they spend on invasive military purposes, plundering oil- and mineral rich countries in exchange for democracy.

Bribery is called lobby in modern day language, while banks and multinational enterprises are riding the gravy train, collecting tax revenues as subsidies to make huge profits.

At this point in time, the US hegemony is fading away now BRICS nations are dumping the US dollar in order to escape the financial trap imposed by evil US sanctions.

The NWO (New World Order) is now creating the Great Reset, through an fabricated plandemic in order crash the global economy and start with BBB (Build Back Better) program.

Digital money will rule the world and security programs decide, who is allowed to travel, dine or do groceries created by a point system already used in China.

Strategic Security / ABC Flash Point Future News 2022.

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18-02-22 19:03

18-02-22 19:03

Last edited 2 years ago by APB1961Curacao