Horeca and tourism related bailouts are the ultimate vehicle of self-enrichment. Consider the following as a ‘case study’ of Willemstad’s legal fraud. Curacao Bailouts are a Corporate Scam to sabotage and bankrupt the islands derailing budget.

Under PAR’s leadership from 2009-2020, the government in Fort Amsterdam has seen its local unemployment rate explode to 41%. According to PM Rhuggenaath, without the implemented corporate bailout this rate would have risen to 64%.

When one looks at his pay awarded versus the country’s return on taxpayers investment, no economic profits were booked, making his pay-for-performance metrics abominable.

The fake Dutch controlled media worships and glorifies PAR for its stewardship during this crisis but reports that, for the past three years, the local employment has totally collapsed, being replaced by cheap Haitian and Latin American slave laborers.

Most of the economic victims have already been deported to Amsterdam, traveling on a one-way boarding pass with the modern flying pirate ships of the KLM.

However, the PAR fails to mention that their legal Ponzi bailout scheme will now definitely destroy the livelihood for the rest of the local tax paying population.

To anyone doubting the Covid-19 bailouts will line company’s pockets, PAR PM Rhuggenaath says he’ll “find a way around” the rules against it.

It’s not bad for Rhuggenaath and his networks, but it’s horrendous for former ISLA employees, shareholders and local taxpayers who will be stuffed with a $1 billion bailout. Fair? Not on your life.


Debt-fueled bailouts and racially divided payments are engineered to artificially increase company income so that self-interested politicians can “earn” higher compensations.

Increasing debt creates an illusion of better earnings. However, this fraudulent scam cannibalize the government’s balance sheets, leaving taxpayers exposed to unlimited “bailouts” when these leveraged bets go wrong.

What’s the difference between rogue hedge fund managers and politicians? Not much, except some politicians have been given golden parachutes to the tune of million of stolen guilders.

This is completely contrary to the mandate of the Central Bank duties to implement policies that not only create record-high wealth inequality but also enable record-high amounts of debt and risky leveraged loans (used for these corrupted bailouts.

These policies wildly distort valuations by inflating temporary bubbles in the stock, bond, property and credit markets.

They also destroy every market’s natural ‘price discovery’ mechanism, enable the Dutch and other foreign businesses to conspire with Willemstad in order to commit the biggest corporate plunder in history, and turn a blind eye to a grand Ponzi scheme that will destroy the myth of capitalism.

Blockchain startups signed a MOU with the Central Bank of Curaçao.

Now, the businesses that plundered the island get rewarded for their criminal behavior, leading to the bankruptcy of the island’s government (read taxpaying citizens) hidden away from the public and protected by the Dutch military (police) in Fort Amsterdam.

After the invasive networks have bankrupted the island, the islands public properties will be auctioned off or just plainly confiscated by the global cabal.

What is the solution? End the power of the Central Bank, prohibit all share buybacks, do not bail out these companies and audit the fiduciary abuse of executives like the ones mentioned and hold them responsible for their crimes against humanity.

The time has come to put an end to all stock buybacks and bailouts.

ABC Flash Point News 2020.

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17-04-20 21:12

The government that supported the tax evasive tourism industry, now wants your money again to reward the ones that stole our profits away? How cynical ………….

17-04-20 23:56

Geen mondkapjes bij verpleeghuizen in NL, maar in de VS wel verplicht te dragen in het openbaar? Op Bonaire alle restaurants gewoon open, maar op Curaçao gesloten. Corona is een hoax, dat kan niet anders?

18-04-20 00:20

Now the government also wants to support illegal aliens, that used to work in the construction- and tourism industry? Now we understand why the official unemployment rate on the island is at 41%. Underpaid Latinos and Haitians do the dirty job for the greedy Dutch business people to profit from.

19-04-20 02:54

Mensen mogen wel benzine tanken, maar niet een lekke band laten repareren met die bizarre wegen op het eiland. Vervolgens mogen de zwembaden van de rijken wel behandeld worden door slaafse migranten, zodat de elite lekker kunnen zwemmen en afkoelen, maar het volk mag de zee niet in. Wel heel erg tegenstrijdig allemaal.

19-04-20 03:00

Vissers mogen niet de zee op, en krijgen een paar weken later pas voedselbonnen of een tijdelijke nood bijdrage om te overleven.

28-04-20 11:47

In May, minors are able to go back to school, while maintenance clean up workers are also free to move around, but the other people have to stay imprisoned in their homes. This looks to be the highest discriminatory measures ever implemented by a Dutch controlled military dictatorship.

Loko Loko
05-05-20 23:10

Ontslag aan vragen voor PMR. Als volgt >>>>>>>>>>>>..Dear Koning Alexander, We, scholars artists and people from Curaçao and elsewhere, many of whom specialize in tackling poverty studies, are calling on you to replace PM Rhuggenaath, and the PAR/MAN in our fight to abolish poverty following his shameful attack on President Maduro. As you know, Prof. Barendregt is one of the most important intellectuals in the Caribbean, whose humanistic voice and dignity is heard and admired entirely. We consider Rhuggenaath attempt to frame President Maduro as a dictator baseless, inappropriate, offensive and harmful. PM Rhuggenaath’s attack on Maduro fits into a… Read more »

03-06-20 21:08

According to Terentius van de Valk (Dutch freeway restaurant dealers family) the local government should open the borders without restrictions to save (his) tourism on Curacao?

03-06-20 21:10

Hans Slier (CHATA) also want no restrictions on the hotels, after they got exempted from paying any taxes to the island they invaded and annexed a couple of decades ago?