The corona-virus outbreak is taking a massive toll on tourism, not only in China, but around the world. One of the hardest hit so far, is Bali Island Indonesia, where at least 10,000 travelers have canceled their trips.

The corona-virus outbreak will certainly cast a negative economic influence on Indonesia’s tourism industry.

China is Indonesia’s second-largest tourist source nation after Malaysia. In 2019, a total of 1.9 million Chinese tourists visited Indonesia, representing nearly 13% of the overall foreign tourist visits.

According to data from Statistics Indonesia, the target previously set by Indonesia’s president was to attract 10 million Chinese tourists annually.

During the Spring Festival Holiday in 2019, Indonesia, was ranked third in the most popular overseas travel destinations among Chinese tourists list, after Thailand and Japan.

The outbreak of SARS between 2002 to 2003 also affected tourism in Indonesia. Seventeen years later, “probably the medicine can be found faster because there is a more advanced technology, while Russia already showed the world what to do and how to combat the designated virus.

The new corona-virus can be fought with ribavirin, lopinavir/ritonavir and interferon beta-1b, Russian scientists reported. These drugs are typically used to treat hepatitis C, HIV and multiple sclerosis respectively.

Chinese tourists made 149 million overseas trips in 2018, with total spending amounting to US$130 billion, according to a report released by the China Tourism Academy.

Asia Times / ABC Flash Point Tourism News 2020.

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16-03-21 12:59

There is no way the world could keep ignoring the Chinese victory?