Bolivian President Evo Morales declared Israel a terrorist state, because of the ongoing one-sided deadly offensive in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli citizens will now be required to obtain a visa before traveling to Bolivia.

Previously, under a 1972 agreement, which Morales denounced for being “signed under a dictatorial regime,” Israelis could travel freely into Bolivia without having to obtain a visa, according to La Razón.

Morales said, that Israel does not respect the principles or purposes of the United Nations charter nor the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Morales, an admirer of the late Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez’s socialism, broke off diplomatic relations with the Jewish state in 2009, and has renounced Israel’s treatment of Palestinians “a genocide”.

South America is a popular destination for young Israelis.

Other South American countries, including Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and Peru, have recalled their ambassadors from Israel in protest over the 10 year-long mass murder episode in Gaza.

USA Today / ABC Flash Point Freedom News 2019.

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Scooby Doo
18-03-21 11:59

This led to the Musk-backed coup that killed and destroyed all of Morales his network?