It’s not a matter of just letting Exxon-Mobil take over Venezuela’s massive oil reserves – the largest on the planet. The key is to monopolize their exploitation in US dollars, benefiting a few Big Oil billionaires.

Once again, the curse of natural resources is in play. Venezuela must not be allowed to profit from its wealth on its own terms; thus, Exceptionalness has ruled that the Venezuelan welfare state must be shattered.

Caracas has committed the ultimate cardinal sin in the eyes of Exceptionalness; oil trading bypassing the US dollar or US-controlled exchanges.

Remember Iraq. Remember Libya. Yet Iran is also doing it. Turkey is doing it. Russia is – partially – on the way. And China will eventually trade all its energy in petro-yuan.

With Venezuela adopting the petro crypto-currency and the sovereign bolivar, already last year the Trump administration had sanctioned Caracas off the international financial system.

The American embargo may be vicious. In parallel, Maduro’s government may have been supremely incompetent in not diversifying the economy and investing in food self-sufficiency.

Major food importers, speculating like there’s no tomorrow, are making a killing. Still, reliable sources in Caracas tell that the barrios – the popular neighborhoods – remain largely peaceful.

And 81% of Venezuelans said they were against US sanctions. So much for “benign” foreign interference on behalf of “democracy” and “human rights”.

Venezuela is a key clog in the machine. Psycho killer Bolton admitted it on the record; “It will make a big difference to the USA economically if we could have American oil companies invest in and produce the oil capabilities in Venezuela.”

It’s not a matter of just letting Exxon-Mobil take over Venezuela’s massive oil reserves – the largest on the planet. The key is to monopolize their exploitation in US dollars, benefiting a few Big-Zio Oil billionaires.

Russia Insider / ABC Flash Point Infiltration News 2019.

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03-08-20 11:07

Psychopaths and hypocrites rule the world these days?